And one of His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. And He has placed between you compassion and mercy. Surely in this are signs for people who reflect.
QS Ar-Rum 21
The Bride & Groom
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
We would like to invite you to witness and be a part of our new beginning.
Edelweiss Grand Ballroom,
Hotel Santika Premiere Bintaro
Jl. Prof. DR. Satrio No.A3-01 Blok B7, Pd. Jaya, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15224
Edelweiss Grand Ballroom,
Hotel Santika Premiere Bintaro
Jl. Prof. DR. Satrio No.A3-01 Blok B7, Pd. Jaya, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15224
Rifo and Destri met at one of Highschool in Jakarta. Ever since he first saw Destri at school, Rifo has taken a liking to her. When his emotions were acknowledged, Rifo tried to approach Destri to express his feelings with her while they were enjoying some music. We became closer and fell in love after that.
2023 (Our Engagement)
After a long time knowing each other, Rifo asked Destri "will you marry me?" and after Destri said "yes", Rifo brought his parents to Destri's house and met Destri's parents to propose Destri and Rifo express his intention to marry Destri in front of Destri's parents. On December 3rd of 2023 at Destri birthday, Rifo and Destri celebrate their Engagament Ceremony with their big family.
2024 (Our Wedding)
Rifo and Destri promise to doing the longest worship together until the end of our love lives on February 24th of 2024, which was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. May Rifo and Destri grow up to be a happy, loving, and merciful family.
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